Diligence Providers

Shorten your engagements, expand client possibilities.

Audit Sight’s platform helps eliminate days and weeks from your client engagements by programmatically accessing your client’s accounting and banking data and automating the preparation of your data workbook and Proof of Cash testing.

Photo of a man looking at a laptop screen, smiling

Audit Sight Edge

Eliminate time spent by your team sorting through data room documents and preparing Proof of Cash schedules to focus on:

  • Executing engagements faster
  • Improving your client’s experience
  • Seeking out meaningful work and client advisory opportunities

Core Features:

  • Directly integrate to general ledgers and banks to gain view-only access to your client’s accounting and banking information
  • Instantly produce a data book to jump start your engagements once your client’s accounting system is connected
  • Produce a Proof of Cash, where bank records are compared to the general ledger
  • Liquidate revenue by tracing every invoice to a bank transaction

More Ways to Simplify

Icon of a banking institution
CSV UploadS

By uploading your clients comparative trial balance and journal entries Audit Sight can work on every deal.

Icon of a user profile.
Upload PDF Bank Statements

Upload PDF bank statements if your client is unable to connect their bank directly within the platform.

Icon of a user contact profile
Consolidate systems

Consolidate multiple accounting systems into one data set for testing.

How It Works

Upload your clients data or have them connect their accounting systems and bank accounts, and from there, Audit Sight's platform automatically verifies the accounting data against banking data, effectively detecting evidence of fraud. As a final step, you'll receive an Excel work paper that documents the work performed.
Infographic titled "How It Works" of Audit Sight's process.
Infographic titled "How It Works" of Audit Sight's process.

Get Started Today

  • Unlimited users from your firm can access the tool
  • Audit Sight Customer Success Team Member assigned to your account for training and onboarding
  • Your firm can be up and running in 24 hours with minimal set-up
Photo of a woman smiling at a laptop screen with an infographic  overlayed showing invoices verified and different dollar amounts